

Best Answer

Buoyancy in water can be due to a number of factors. The biggst one being the difference in physical makeup between men and women. When swimming the heaviest part of our body is our pelvis which is why we generally more inclined to be in an up right position in water. (Generally for people who rarely swim).

Being the child bearers or the species, women tend to carry more fat around our pelvis and thigh area and because we have wider set hips we tend to float better.

Cultural differences can also come into play here as different ethnicities have a different type of genetic makeup. People of an Asian background are more likely to be narrower whereas people of a European background can be found to be more fuller figured.

To help with buoyancy all you need to remember is that because our pelvis is the heaviest part whatever we do to our head will affect our leg posionting and vice versa. A good head position for say freestyle would be to have your head under the water not just your face.

NOTE- I have tried my best to word this as good as possible but my apologies if I have offended anyone in my answer.

Answer B

Yes, women do float easier then men because the women have more fat tissue than men and have a better distribution of it, their bones are less heavy and smaller, and their muscles are more flexible and lightweight.

Answer C

Actually, for a man and woman who weigh the same amount, they have identical fat, bone, and muscle density. They just won't have the same amount of each. The prime difference is in percentage of body weight that is fat, as fat is significantly less dense than water (both muscle and bone being more dense than water). Even a woman in good shape will have at least 10% body fat, while a comparable man will have 5% or less.

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Anything that has a density that is lower than water will float. The lower something's density is, the more buoyancy it will have.

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A person will actually float in sea water, even more easily than in fresh water because of the sea's salt content.

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Objects float more in salt water compared to fresh water because salt water is denser. The increased density of salt water provides greater buoyancy for objects, allowing them to float more easily than in fresh water.

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Oh honey, pay attention. Objects float more easily in salt water because salt water is denser than fresh water. It's like trying to float in a kiddie pool versus a hot tub - one is gonna keep you afloat better than the other. So, if you wanna float like a boss, head to the beach and let that salty water do its thing.

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Items generally float in liquids that are denser than they are, such as water. The saltier the water, the denser it becomes, which is why objects tend to float more easily in saltwater compared to freshwater. Other liquids, like oil, would also cause items to float because they are less dense than water.

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yes, if the water has salt in it it will be denser than if it does not, therefore the boat will float more easily e.g. the dead sea. if it's tap water or other water other factors will affect it.