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They shave their entire body so they can move through the water faster.

-Lack of hair has nothing to do with speed for swimmers (or very little). When you shave your body, you are not only removing hair, but the layer of dead skin cells on the top of your skin as well. The idea is to remove all of the gunk and buildup on your skin so that when you enter the water, it feels different. Basically, all of the stimulation gives your body a shot of endorphins when you dive into the pool (kind of like steroids, without the drugs). That is why people swim faster after just shaving.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, when you shave (with a razor not electrical) it takes the first layer of skin off your legs, arms, or face and will take the drag off your body and will able you to slide through the water easier. But it will only work if you dont shave atleast 3 months and then shave it all off before a big meet.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Many male swimmers shave their legs, armpits and chest hair to glide faster through the water.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

To reduce drag

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Q: Why do swimmers shave their entire body?
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Not necessary. Some swimmers shave their legs and entire body for less resistance in the water.

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It reduces the drag of his or her, guys shave too, legs or arms

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No. Competitive swimmers often shave off all their body hair, because hair can cause additional drag when moving through the water.

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To ensure there is as little friction or drag as possible for example the streamlined helmets that bicyclists wear or the full body swim suits that are becoming popular for swimmers. Swimmers also shave body hair to streamline their bodies and reduce drag.

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Yes I shave my body befour I shower to get all the sope off my body.

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It's completely normal. Some women do not like their arm hair, so they wax or shave it.

Do gymnasts shave their body?

Umm, well I'm a gymnast and I don't shave my whole body.........umm

What are some of the ways that competitive swimmers can decrease the amount of friction between themselves and the water through which the swim?

Most competitive swimmers will shave all body hair except the hair on their heads to lessen the amount of friction between themselves and the water. They also might wear a swimsuit that reflects water instead of soaking it up.

Im a 14 girl and i have a really dark hairy body i espcially hate my arms but if i get rid of my arm hair then i will have a line on my shoulders and have keep going. and i cant do my entire bodyHELP?

I have the same problem. I just shave to my elbows because anywhere above my elbows arent very hairy or very noticeable. I also shave my legs a little above the knee because I like to wear Capris. You dont have to shave your entire body. Just whatever you feel comfortable with or whatever people will see.

Should you shave a Bishon frise's tail because it is so matted?

If the tail is too matted to brush it out then you need to start over and shave it completely, maybe try to leave a little fluff on the end but if matted, then shave the entire area. Matts can cause infections, you need to get them off of all the body of the dog.

Is it normal for a man to shave his bikini line?

Typically, no, and it's usually done by athletes (swimmers, bodybuilders, etc.), but it's not unheard of, either.