My grandpa had a stroke and he almost lost his ability to talk and half his body was paralyzed. My idea is that when a stroke happens it clogs a main artery to the brain thus causing your body to cease up. After the stroke you get some major damage to your body and it affects the side of the brain that is with your motar skills and such and it makes it hard to speak. It's something to do with the brain but if someone has a better answer then they could post here.
Gives you atherosclerosis and strokes.
It can lead to heart attacks or strokes; Harms the insides of your blood vessels.
yes they do affect but to many people it does not at all
It makes your voice slip and crack. I know from past experience.
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Ischemic strokes account for about 80% of all strokes.
A stoke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain.
Not at all. I know from experience.
Many liquids can cause your vocal cords to tighten, which will affect your voice, especially if you're singing. Some liquids to avoid include alcohol, coffee, and milk.