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Whether an object sinks or floats depends on the objects buyoncy. If an object has a higher buoyancy then water it will generally sink, and less it will float.

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Q: Why do rocks sink and rubber balls float in a swimming pool?
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What physical property can we use to separate tennis balls from rocks?

The density of tennis balls is approx. 0,38 g/cm3 an can float on water.

What kind of balls sink in water?

Balls that are denser than water will sink. This includes materials like glass, steel, or rocks. Conversely, balls made of lighter materials like plastic or foam will typically float.

What are objects will sink and what objects float?

Objects that are denser than water will sink, such as rocks, metal objects, and certain types of wood. Objects that are less dense than water will float, such as plastic bottles, rubber ducks, and foam.

Do rocks float?

Well rocks don't float because they are a solid with no air.

Does black rocks float?

No rocks float, irrespective of color with the exception of pumice, a solidified lava froth.

What would float in a bathtub?

Objects that are less dense than water will float in a bathtub. Examples include rubber ducks, plastic toys, and pieces of foam. Items like metal objects and rocks will sink because they are denser than water.

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The game football meaning soocer comes from a long time ago from kicking heads into nets to hard rocks now rubber soccer balls

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Why do some rocks float while other rocks sink?

the density

Why is swimming good for you?

swimming rocks James mercer 8-2

Why do pumice rocks float?

it has holes in it and has kelfrigis

What rocks just float in space?
