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Here are just a couple of reasons:

1. Many people don't wash before they go in the pool.

2. People urinate whilst still in the pool.

You can accidentally swallow some of the water.

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9y ago

People are afraid of swimming because of the risk of drowning. People fear death so are afraid of swimming.

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Q: Why do most people say there too scared to learn how to swim?
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Related questions

When do most people learn to swim?

whenever. it doesn't matter. some people learn at a young age, but people can learn at any age.

What is to be scared of water?

people mite not beable to swim or scared they mite sink.

Is it possible that some people can't swim?

Many people never learn to swim.

How do you be a mermaid without getting scared?

You are scared because if you enter water and you can not swim, you could drown. Real people can not become mermaids, that is just for stories.

What can you do if you want to learn to swim but you are scared of tanning?

You need to wear sun block, or a full suit that blocks UV rays, alternatively you could learn in an indoor pool. I gues you are going to swim in the sea - if so you should check out the full body wet suits that are available.

Can Miranda Cosgrove swim?

She can swim but she is to scared to jump off the diving board

How fish learn to swim?

Fish are born to swim, they learn naturally like we learn how to walk

How many people can swim 400 yards?

Most people (that can swim) can swim 400 yards. The speed of how they do that although varies.

Do penguins have to learn how to swim?

Yes penguins have to learn to swim because if they did not learn how to swim they could not go hunt for food and they would starve and/or drown

Why do some people get scared from water?

maybe because something happened before and made you scared of the water or maybe you just can't swim and your scared you'll drown or you might have a possible secret that you yet haven't found out!

How many people swim at Australia?

Nearly everyone basically! even kids aged 6 months start to learn how to swim

Why do people drown in water when most animals can swim?

People have to be taught to swim. Animals for the most part have the ability to swim instinctively. I believe people have lost some of their instincts as they gained intelligence.