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Q: Why do Olympic sailing spectators have to watch the event on a video screen?
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When does the sailing Olympic start?

the first event is on July 29 - 12:00

What olympic event can men and women be on the same team?

equestrian and sailing teams

What event did Australia not compete in during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?


What is England's best olympic event?

We have traditionally done well at sailing, and in rowing Sir Steve Redgrave won Gold for five Olympiads in succession.

Is tennis and Olympic event?

Yes it is a Olympic event :)

What event attracts the most spectators?

The Tour De France. It attracts 20 million live spectators in total.

Is swimming an Olympic event?

yes swimming is an olympic event

What is the name of a sailing event?

a regatta

What event at the Olympics draws the most spectators?

Track and Field or swimming.

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What is the ancient olympic event?

The Olympic Games.

How many countries in the olympic games sailing?

In the 2012 Olympics, the sailing will be at Weymouth. Lucky I'm about 10 mins walk from the beach :)