Your gauge could very well be bad, many pools that we took care of the gauge on the filter was bad, after backwashing the filter just check any of you lines going back to the pool and your should notice the pressure is a lot higher. A lot of people just check the flow by placing there hand at an outlet to check pressure than by walking over too the filter and reading the pressure, instead of buying a new pressure gauge.
From the pool
Yes. if you don't you may end up with a cloud of dust being washed back into the pool.
Around 10 PSI if you have a 2 horsepower pump. It will vary, depending on the restrictions in the exit line. Pool Masters
Yes, after backwashing a pool filter you should add diatomaceous earth (DE) back to the filter immediately if you have a DE filter. If you have a sand or cartridge filter, there is no need to add anything after backwashing.
Because dirt and small sand will pass through the filter the first time it is run after backwashing. By rinsing you are sending that debris, which could cloud your pool, out of the backwash port instead of back into the pool.
keep scooping, backwashing, scooping, backwashing. It has taken us all week to get rid of arm and hammer laundry deterent from our pool. Thought it was baking soda.
What is the normal reading on your pressure gauge? It is a possibility that the gauge itself is broken. Those pressure gauges do not last very long and usually break within the first year. I have found them for as little as $13.00. You may try that first since backwashing was the correct thing to do when the pressure went up.
It is recommended to add about 1-2 cups of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) per 10 square feet of filter area after backwashing your pool filter. Be sure to follow the specific instructions for your filter model and size when adding DE after backwashing.
All swimming pools with a pump and filter should have a back wash system. You must back wash your swimming pool filter when indicated by the pressure gauge on your filter. ANSWER 2:: Cartridge filters have no means to back wash. These filters must be broken down and cleaned manually. K
I have a backwash setting on my sand filter. You can also add a sand cleaner in the bottom skimmer of the pump. After backwashing, it is recommended that you also rinse the head.
Personally, I'd call the pool company. There are things that need professional fixing.
If you are backwashing more than you care to,or your filter pressue is high, or you put your hand against the outlet where the clean water is returning back to the pool and your hand does not get pushed away any of these reasons would be a reason to change the sand, depending on the size of the filter some filters need to be changed once a season every other season or not for years, bottom line you should only be backwashing after vacumning the pool. if your water in your pool is clean or clear I would say the sand is ok.