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Yes, Michael's parents Fred and Debbie separated in 1993, and divorced when Michael was 9.

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He was a State Trooper, and I believe he may have been a competitive swimmer too.

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Q: Who is Fred Phelps father of Michael Phelps' mother and father?
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Who are Michael Phelps parents?

Fred Phelps is his father and Deborah "Debbie" Phelps is his mother

When did Michael Phelps father Fred Phelps leave him?

When Michael wad 11

Who is Micheal phelps father?

Michael Phelps father is named Fred and worked for the Maryland State Police. His mother is named Debbie and is the principal of a middle school. His parents were divorced in 1994. According to an article in Men's Journal, Phelps' father walked out on the family without warning when he was 7.

Who is Michael Phelps father?

Fred Phelps, divorced at a young age

What is Michael Phelps relationship with his father like?

Michael Phelps' father, Fred, separated from Michael's mother (Debbie) in 1993, when Michael was 7. Fred attended the games in Athens in 2004, but followed the 2008 games on television. He and Michael are in contact and appear to have a cordial relationship, but certainly not a close one.

Michael Phelps family?

Michael Phelps is the athlete that has won the most Olympic medals in history to date. He is the youngest of three children. His father is Michael Fred Phelps and his mother is Deborah Sue Phelps. He has two sisters called Whitney and Hilary.

Who is Michael Phelps' dad?

Fred Phelps is his dad

Racial background of Michael Phelps?


How do you describe Michael phelps?

Fred is Michael phelps middle name It's weird but it's is!! His full name is Michael Fred Phelps!! I know some of you might thinks it's Fredrick or things like that but it is NOT it is just FRED!

What is Michael Phelps birth name?

Baltimore county general

Is Michael Phelps Grandfather called Fred?

no his dad was

What is Phelps the olympic swimmer's last name?

Phelps is his last name, his full name is Michael Fred Phelps. -phelps2008