No-one invented the butterfly, but a combination of a moth and catapiller gave it, the fact it first looks like a catapiler, then turns into a butterfly .
The first carburetor butterfly valve was invented by Carl Benz in 1893.
Greek for 'Butterfly' (Name Invented By Johnathan Swift)
who invented the sex position 69
Albert Bujan of Abbott Labs
In 1933, Jack Siege and his swim coach invented the butterfly. The stroke was invented at the University of Iowa.
Throttle Position Sensor-is a sensor used to monitor the position of the throttle in an internal combustion engine. The sensor is usually located on the butterfly spindle so that it can directly monitor the position of the throttle valve butterfly.
The Butterfly knife was invented in England by a man named William Morton. He studied knives and decided to design his own when he found there was no knife that efficiently completed the use he wanted.
in 1957
The throttle position sensor is a device that signals the position of the butterfly valve of the throttle body. The throttle body is the part that is between the air intake and the intake manifold. Disconnect the air intake from the throttle body then have someone press the accelerator pedal. Watch the butterfly valve open and close as your assistant presses down and lets up on the pedal and you should see the butterfly valve moving. On the end of the rod that passes through the butterfly valve should be a sensor that detects the position of the butterfly valve. THAT is the TPS. There will be an electrical connector.
There is a throttle position sensor mounted to the throttle body. That's the place where the air intake valve sits near the top of the engine. Look for the throttle butterfly valve; on the end of the butterfly valve shaft should be a little sensor with wires connected; that's the throttle position sensor.
the throttle angle sensor is used to monitor the throttle position of a car. It is located on the butterfly spindle so that it can directly monitor the position of the throttle.