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A Scuba diver

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Q: Who has a bigger challenge a scuba diver or a mountain climber?
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Why does a scuba diver has a bigger challenge than a mountain climber?

Water is denser than air so the pressure is much greater underwater than it is in the air. Ascending 20 meters (50ish feet)underwater is about the same amount of pressure as like 1000 feet in the air

Who is a bigger diver ronaldo or drogba?

Drogba is a much better diver than Ronaldo.

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He wants to be a even bigger diver and get even more famous and carry on being in the olympics

What is a Olympic diver?

A diver that competes in the Olympics or a diver that has competed in past Olympics.

When was Danny Diver born?

Danny Diver was born in 1956.

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Jenny Diver died in 1741.

When was Jenny Diver born?

Jenny Diver was born in 1700.

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Sky Diver was created in 1978.

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Reef Diver was created in 1983.

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Diver Dan was created in 1960.

When did Terra Diver happen?

Terra Diver happened in 1996.

When was Terra Diver created?

Terra Diver was created in 2003.