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There are quite a few different styles and many variants of each type as people all do things slightly differently. However, the two main styles that I see regularly are you traditional straight legged kick where you are simply kicking as you would to swim backstroke or frontcrawl in the swimming pool and the frog kick which is more like a breaststroke style kick.

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Q: Which type of kick is most widely used in scuba diving?
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Super Cookie.

Do most scuba diving places let you rent scuba diving and snorkeling equipment?

Most of them will let you because a lot of people from out of town don't have the equipment. You can rent it as long as it is not like a private beach or something.

What travel agencies have scuba diving?

Not sure about travel agencies but most cruise lines and all inclusive resorts on the Ocean offer scuba excursions. Great diving in the Great Lakes too!

What helps a scuba diver sink and float?

Scuba buoyancy is the most fundamental diving skill. Mastering buoyancy control enables a diver to use less effort to maintain his position while diving.

Where can one go for a scuba diving vacation?

There are many places that offer scuba diving experiences most allow you to look at either underwater reefs or habitats that contain various different types of seallife. One example would be going with the Sandals company to the Caribbean which they claim is the most comprehensive scuba program.

Mixture of gases for scuba diving tanks compared to normal atmospheric air?

Most SCUBA divers dive with compressed air, which is normal atmospheric air compressed into a scuba tank.

What is more expensive scuba diving or rock climbing?

Scuba diving, as the equipment is so expensive, and it is expensive getting to a given location, from a boat, to dive. It's the 2nd most expensive fun (behind skydiving) you'll ever have.

What water sport is the most dangerous Out of swimming water skiing surfing scuba diving snorkeling kayaking or canoeing?

I would say scuba diving. You can get the bends, or nitrogen narcosis. There is also the factor of running out oxygen during a dive.

Is it safe to go SCUBA diving in the Bahamas during November?

Looks like it is most of the time. One thing to keep in mind is that November is still hurricane season, so if a hurricane is nearby, SCUBA diving is impossible. It is going to be as safe as any other time going SCUBA diving. One particular month does not make SCUBA diving dangerous. As long as your guide knows what their doing, you will be fine.

Is scuba diving a type of science?

The best answer is probably no. Safe scuba diving relies heavily on a knowledge of physics, gas laws and even physiology. Since it generally takes place in the ocean, it often involves marine biology. In that respect scuba is far more reliant on science than most other activities. Generally, though, scuba is a recreational activity for most divers and a vocation for others.

How do sea turtles help us?

they eat jelly fish and when go Scuba diving most of us are lucky cause if a jellyfish stings you,you could die