I think in my opinion its soccer. I play soccer and it isn't to hard and isn't to easy. It's right in between! But the easiest sport is really your own opinion. I also like gymnastics, but it is kinda hard. Gymnastics is easy for some people though.
The easiest sport to write about, like a newspaper article, would be Basketball. There are not a lot of players involved, the game is easy to understand, and games happen every 2-3 days. Answer: The easiest sport to write about is the one that interests you. When you are interested in a topic, you enjoy writing about it. You would also be more likely to research a topic that interests you. Good research makes your writing more accurate and more interesting. Actual experience in the sport would also make the writing easier. You can bring your knowledge and experience to the writing which will make the writing more personal and interesting to the readers.
According to my expirience, the easiest sport is the Basketball. It's really healthy, and really easy to learn. It's better than football, and easier.
I was never good at sports. But I had to play one so i entered a Basketball club and I really enjoyed it. But it needs like 2 years to really learn and understand the rules.
yes darts is a sport and it is played it the olympics
Gymnastics is a summer Olympics sport not a winter Olympics sport. Gymnastics will next be in the London Olympics in 2012 and the Rio Olympics in 2016.
They can't possibly put every sport in the olympics. There may be a thousand sports around the world. For example, sumo wrestling in Japan, is a sport. And, it is NOT a sport in the olympics.
Gymnastics is a summer Olympics sport not a winter Olympics sport. Gymnastics will next be in the London Olympics in 2012 and the Rio Olympics in 2016.
i say any sport in the Olympics since Greece stared the Olympics and they are an old country
The first sport that will be featured in the 2012 Olympics is Women's football.
Yes it is a sport. It is in the Olympics, which means it is a sport.
most people reckon that swimming is the best sport in the Olympics
Any sport involving a horse in the Olympics is referred to as an "Equestrian event"
to get into the Olympics you have to try out and be the best i your nation.
No, golf will not be a sport in the 2012 Olympics.
They don't play in the Olympics.