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Q: Which charactor trait in the skipper leads to the shipwreck?
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In the wreck of the hesperus what character trait in the skipper led to the shipwreck?

In "The Wreck of the Hesperus," the skipper's pride and stubbornness led to the shipwreck. Despite warnings of the storm from his daughter, he insisted on sailing, which ultimately resulted in tragedy.

When an author gives a charactor only one main trait the charactor is called?

When an author gives a character only one main trait, the character is often referred to as a flat character. Flat characters tend to be one-dimensional and lack depth or complexity in their personalities.

Why is everyone?

'Curiosity' is a human trait that often leads to someone being nosey.

Why is everyone nosey?

'Curiosity' is a human trait that often leads to someone being nosey.

What is a characters personality trait that starts with a t leads to his or her downfall that has 10 letters?

a tragic flaw

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What is the condition called when there are many genes that affect a trait which are susceptible to changes due to the environmental factors?

This condition is known as polygenic inheritance. It involves multiple genes contributing to a trait, and the expression of these genes can be influenced by environmental factors. The combination of genetic and environmental influences leads to a wide range of variation in the trait.

What is the literary term for the quality within the hero which leads to his downfall?

. . . . . . . . . .A fatal flaw is what the main character has that eventually lets to his/her death. Whether it be vanity, pride, or ignorance, it is usually not a good trait for them to have.- S0L. . . . . . . . . .

How can the isolation of populations lead to specification?

it leads to specification because you separate the populations and a population with a certain trait will become dominant over a certain area of land or mass.

The trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce?

The trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce is called an adaptation. Adaptations are characteristics or behaviors that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a particular environment. Over time, adaptations can lead to the evolution of new species.

A trait that is hidden?

The trait that is hidden is recessive trait.

What is crossing individuals with similar alleles to get purebred organism?

A silly trait performed with great energy on domestic animals to get them those characteristics that we prefer. It often leads to issues with inbreeding.