There is no single answer for this since the length of the ski is a personal preference usually selected based on a combination of the width of the ski and how fast you ski. A typical ski length would be around 65 inches for someone around 100 to 125 pounds and lengthen to about 69 or 70 inches for someone over 200 pounds.
on average over 5 million people water ski in america.
Sega Water Ski happened in 1997.
Sega Water Ski was created in 1997.
You can snow ski or water ski, but you are always ON the same thing- skis!
snow skiing
they float on water when they are in motion because their mass is spread out over a greater area of water and are less dense.
the motto
Ski jumping has been around since 1808. Ole Rye is the first known ski jumper, and jumped nearly ten meters.
no they water ski