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Q: Where does hydro power come from?
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What is the difference between Hydro Electricity and Wave Power?

Yes, hydro come from the Greek word for water, and wave power is classed as hydro power. Other kinds of hydro power are produced from the movement of water through dams, tides and rivers.

What are the sources of hydro power project?

what are sources of hydro power project

How do you harvest hydro power?

how do you havest hydro?

What is the meaning of hydro energy power plant?

hydro electric power plant

Is a windmill considered hydro power?

No. Hydro power is power from running water driving a turbine and a generator.

What are antonyms of hydro power?

Hydro power means powered by water. Solar power would be an antonym.

What is the main ingredient in hydro power?

hydro = water

Which country first used hydro-electric power?

Australia started having hydro power by the 1900'sbut people first go t power in there homes in London in 1882 using hydro power. hydro power was invented in the early 1800's.

What is geothermal and hydro power?

Geothermal is power from the heat inside the earth. Hydro is power that comes from using water.

What industries rely on hydro power?

Electric power industry and manufacturing rely on hydro power. Most of the electricity that is generated by hydroelectric plants in the United States of America use hydro power.

Where does hydro power get its energy?

Hydro is Latin for water so hydro power gets its energy from water. It's often powered by a waterwheel.

Is hydro power off the coast or on the land?

Yes. Hydro power stations are in the middle of countries