

Where did burqas originate?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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9y ago

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A burqa is a garment worn by Arabic women in public.

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What is the plural of burqa?

The plural of burqa is burqas. As in "France has banned burqas being worn in schools".

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How do women in Afghanistan get burqas?

They are made from the skin obtained by clitoris removal.

Do women who wear burqas shave their bodily hair?

No they dont shave their body hair , they mostly wear burqas as it is a custom for females who attend puberty to cover themselves from head to toe, and mostly its a personal choice not a compulsion for them to shave their body hair

What are burkas?

burqas look like a long drees that covers your face and has a net near where your eyes are.

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Anne Lancelot has written: 'Burqas, foulards et minijupes' -- subject(s): Women, Social conditions, Biography

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The rules the Taliban enforce is that women have to wear burqas and that girls over the age of eight have to wear chadors.

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Is the burqas banned in America?

Depends. Burkas and headscarves are not the same thing, and as much as I want the burkas to be banned.. people have to respect others' religious rights. We don't ask someone and get their permission to wear something as simple as earrings do we? So why should Muslims, or women that wear these things have them taken away from them? Pretty unfair I reckon.

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