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by the ocean

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Vanessa Nader

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Tide pools can range from the size of a backyard pond to the size of 2 semitrucks. Tide pools happen when the tide goes in then out, leaving little pools among the rock dents caused by erosion.

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Q: Where are tide pools?
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Where do you find Molluscs?

In the Ocean or Tide-pools more likely tide-pools.

Where are tide pools found?

by the ocean

Different types of tide pools?

Rocky tide pools, sandy tide pools, and artificial tide pools created by humans are some common types. Rocky tide pools are found along rocky coastlines with a diverse array of marine life. Sandy tide pools can be found in areas with sandy beaches and tend to have different species adapted to this habitat. Artificial tide pools are sometimes created in coastal areas for conservation or educational purposes.

The difference between rock pools high tide and low tide?

at low tide rockpools are pools at high tide they are part of the sea...

How wide are tide pools. Please help?

Tide pools can be the size of a backyard pond to the size of 2 semi trucks! Tide pools have many sizes and many widths.

What do you call small ponds that are filled with new salt water at a high tide?

Tide pools. If you never have been to tide pools and can get to a rocky shoreline close to you do it. Tide pools are filled with little fish, sea plants, crabs, and other things. Look, but don't touch since tide pools are a sensitive environment where things are living.

What are some good websites about tide pools?

Wikapida and also if you want you want to lean aabout waht creatures and plants are in tide pools ?

Where do cormorant lives?

they live in tide pools

Are tide pools salt water?


What are some decomposers in tide pools?


What color is the tide pool?

Tide pools are just like oceans except with rocks everywhere so the color of the tide pools are blue, but sometimes green because of the algae and green plants.

How do tide pools form?

Tide pools are formed in rocky coastal areas when depressions or crevices in the rocks fill with seawater during high tide, trapping marine organisms inside when the tide recedes. Over time, wave action and erosion can also create and shape tide pools along the coast.