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once you are above 16 years you are out already because at that period your bones can no longer be control unlike 5-15 years bone can be expand and control to any length within that age you could reach the sky if there is a proper arangement for you at that stage,anything above that age you are out completly at 18years upward

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Q: When is it too late too start competitive diving?
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It is never too late to chase after your dreams.

Is it too late to start ballet at 14?

No, it is not too late as long as you are at least a bit flexible.

Panfu where do you get the diving suit?

If you want to get a swim suit for competitive swim, i would recommend sports authority or target. they are not too expensive, but will last a while.

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You can start cheerleading at any age, and there are competitive squads for kids as young as 4 or 5

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No. It is never too late.

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You always can no it is not too late. Practice and prove how good you are.

Im 16 years old and want to start platform diving is it too late?

No. But it depends on how you are "built" if you are not that tall and slim you will be better at diving than a tall or overweight person because you will be more agile and can move quicker once in the air. Also there are not that many diving pools in the UK I think there are only six in the whole country, so that could prove to be a stumbling block providing your location.

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It's never too late to learn how to play an instrument.

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For fun, friends and fitness - no. For a competitive career - probably yes.

Can teenagers start playing the cello?

of course! its never too late to start playing an instrument.

Can you start ballet at the age of 14 or is it too late?

Of coarse you can it's never really too late I mean their are such thing as ladies ballet classes