It depends on where you go but you will definitely see coral reefs and local fish. Sometimes you can see other aquatic life such as sharks, squid, and sea turtles. I have never been there myself but I've heard Cancun has very good snorkeling.
Personally, I go scuba diving to get lobsters, to spear fish, and to see marine life in the sea. It is a fascinating sport with several rewards.
There is absolutely no law against it. I would hate to see it happen though because 99% of scuba instructors are married.
I think that Scuba Divers go to learn about fish or improve the human's knowledge. I know that I enjoy scuba diving and it seems like the perfect way to learn. It can also be fantastic to see the different things that we are sharing Earth with!
scuba diving? no (see the previous answer that YOU submitted a few minutes ago) having 2 beers? yes you seem pretty concerned with YOUR ability to drive. why not just get a friend to drive when you go SCUBA diving? when the diving is over, drink until you pass out and have your friend take you home.
NO! it is 13 thousand feet deep
I don't see why not. The Duke of Edinburgh Award encompasses many different skills and I think Scuba diving would be afab one to do. When I done my gold award I used cross stitch embrodiery for mine!! good luck..
Fish Shark Corals Dolphins Mermaid Treasure
If I were to go scuba diving somewhere, Iยดd prefer to see a dolphin.
You dive for Cap'n Salty's lobster trap. (see related question)
animals seen during diving are usually sharks, fish, eels, and sometimes, very occasionally the average unknown marine life. Then you can see lobsters. It really depends where you are diving.
Yes. The chemical imbalance inside your brain when diving at deep depths and then returning to surface is proven to cause gaydom. (see msgt hall for further questions)
the amount of air in the tank per square inch. (p.s.i.)Improve answerPounds per Square Inch - so the amount of pressure exerted on the tank by the air under pressure in the cylinder of the scuba diver. The more pressure, the more compressed the air so the greater the volume of air compressed within the cylinder.for more on scuba diving, including equipment see the related link: