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At depth you end up with compressed air in your lungs. If you hold your breath as you surface the gas expands and can tear the delicate structure of the lung. This can happen at much less depth than 30M. 100ft, which is a similar depth, is the depth used by the Royal Navy at HMS Dolphin in Portsmouth, England, to train submariners to escape from submarines. They are taught to exhale in a constant stream from the bottom of a tall tank to the surface. This is because it is quite unnatural when you are underwater to breathe all your air out and you want to hold your breath.

If you use Scuba equipment and surface slowly breathing normally, you should not have any ill effects and it would only be under some kind of extreme emergency such as escaping from a submarine or losing all you air whilst solo diving that you would ever surface in that way. Naturally you should not dive on your own for that reason.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Then he wouldn't be a scuba diver since he wouldn't have his breathing device.

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12y ago

A toxic condition called nitrogen narcosis affects scuba divers who venture to the depth of 30m. It can result in death!

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8y ago

They will get the "bends" and need then to go into a compression chamber.

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14y ago

Nothing. The ocean is not that deep.

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Q: What would happen to a diver who does not exhale while surfacing from a 30 m dive?
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