the air could become poisonous, they have a very high chance of the Bends, they have a very high chance of other things as well, such as running out of air.
If I dived off the raft, the force of my dive would cause the raft to go the opposite way of my dive
Well, it needs oxygen like a human scuba diver but it lasts a pretty long time underwater just like a human would if he used an oxygen tank.
There is absolutely no law against it. I would hate to see it happen though because 99% of scuba instructors are married.
Then a human would arrive at an asteroid.
I have no idea what 2 dived by 60 is. But if the question was 2 divided by 60, the answer would be 0.0333...
There will be no human
The past tense of "dive" would be "dived" or "dove".
After 72 hours that human would be severely dehydrated if not dead.
The body would die.
he would freeze or sufficate.
Then there would be no human nature.
They would EXPLODE