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The water might have been too hot or too cold, or it may have been overfed. If you put too many cleaning tablets in the tank they can be poisonous too. Some fish just don't like very long no matter what you do.

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Q: What would cause a goldfish to die suddenly with no signs Swimming around fine 2 hours later died and looked like he had been dead for days?
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Do goldfish move all the time or is it normal for them to lie still from time to time?

Yes it is common, my goldfish lies still for about 15-30 minutes every night. Actually when i first noticed it i thought he was dead but when I went to go get the dreaded fish net i looked back and he was swimming around like he always does.

How long can the butterfly goldfish live?

Goldfish can live over 20 years or so if they are propely housed and looked after.

How big will a bubble eye goldfish get?

If it is looked after properly it should live for around 20 years or so and grow to over 10 inches long.

Do goldfish eat slugs in ponds?

We've had a pond for over 8 years and we've never seen this happen until today. We had a goldfish swim around with a slug in its mouth for over an hour. It looked like it was sucking something from the slug. Not a pleasant sight!

When do sarasa comets become sexually mature?

They are Goldfish and so they mature and breed as goldfish. They can be sexually mature at 1 year if they have been well housed and well looked after.

How do you say goldfish in Spanish?

I looked at a website and it's this: pez de colores

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you cannot i looked up that website and it said you cannot complete it

What is the adverb in this sentence Liz looked around but she couldn't find her glasses?

The adverb in the sentence is "around." It describes where Liz looked.

How many pregnancies can a goldfish have in a lifetime?

None. Goldfish are egg layers so they can not get pregnant. They will spawn once a year under normal circumstances and they live for more than 20 years if properly looked after.

How big does your goldfish have to be to lay eggs?

There is no size requirement for a goldfish to be mature enough to breed. The reason I say this is because so very many goldfish are so badly housed and treated that they may become fully mature but only a couple of inches long. Goldfish can usually breed within a year from hatching if they are well looked after.

Why did whites object to sharing a pool with blacks?

Because they looked down on blacks and classifeid them as inferior. To them, swimming with blacks was no different than swimming with an animal.

How many babies can a goldfish have at once?

Goldfish do not give birth to babies they are egg layers. A female goldfish could produce several thousand ova in one spawning.Anywhere from 500-5,000, better have a lot of Fish Tanks/ Jugs/... etc.