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emperor penguins are depicted in Surfs up emperor penguins are depicted in Surfs up

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

he is a rockhopper penguin

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Q: What type of penguin is Cody in surfs up?
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In the movie surfs up where is Cody maverick from?


Who is Cody mavericks surfer friend in surfs up?

Chicken Joe

Who play Cody in the movie surfs up?

He is Sam from the movie transformers

Who are the main Charaters in Surfs Up?

easy its Cody and Arnold (Arnold said he was in a specail future)

What is the penguins name on surfs up?

There are many penguins. Tank Evans, the champ. Cody Maverick, a penguin who wants to be a pro surfer. Lani, a lifeguard. Chicken Joe, a crazy chicken also a pal to Cody. Geek, Lani's uncle. Big Z, a pro surfer and Cody's fan. He died ( the other penguins thought he did, but he didn't, 10 years after, he became Geek.) Surf's Up came out in 2007. Has awesome effects.... Surf's Up ROCK!! I love that movie.

What are some penguin movies for kids called?

happy feet, march of the penguins, surfs up.

Why is a penguin important?

Happy feet. Penguins of madagascar. March of the penguuns. Mr.Popper's penguins. Surfs up.-nuff said.

How do you get past surfs up?

"Surf's Up" as an expression means "The surf is up." Otherwise, if you mean "surfs up" as in "He surfs up and down the coast" or "She surfs up beside me," then in both cases the past tense is "surfed."

How do you take a puffle on the surf bored on club penguin?

You have to buy the red puffle and go to your igloo. Then, click on it and then press the walk button. Head to the cove and play Surfs Up.

Did Katy Perry was in surfs up?

no what jind of question is that

What do they call Big Z in Surfs Up?

Zeke topanga

How do you unlock badlands on surfs up ds?

get 11 trophies.