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Conduction.... Why you ask because Conduction is the transfer of energy from one object to another object through direct contact.

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Q: What type of energy is responsible for making you feel cold when you are swimming in cool water?
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What type of energy transfer is responsible for making you feel cold when you are swimming in cool water?

Convection is the primary type of energy transfer responsible for making you feel cold when swimming in cool water. As your body interacts with the cooler water, it absorbs heat, causing you to experience a sensation of coldness.

What two types of energy are most responsible for making the water cycle a continuous flow?

Precipitation and Groundwater

If you used the same amount of energy - is swimming in salt water faster than swimming in chlorinated water?

There would be no measurable difference.

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What type of heat transfer is responsible for making you feel cold when you are swimming in a pool that is cold throughout?

Convection is responsible for making you feel cold when swimming in a cold pool. As the water comes in contact with your skin, it absorbs heat from your body, leading to a loss of body heat. The continuous movement of the water around you facilitates this transfer of heat, making you feel cold.

What force is responsible for generating the energy in the watermill?

The force responsible for generating energy in a watermill is the kinetic energy of flowing water. As water flows over the water wheel, it causes the wheel to turn, converting the kinetic energy of the water into mechanical energy that can be used to grind grain or power machinery.

Element that is responsible for making water hard?

The metal cations are responsible for making water hard. Examples of these cations includes the calcium ions, the magnesium ions, the aluminum ions, and the manganese ions.

Why cockroach not survive in water?

cause they drown after they have no energy left from swimming too long

What part of the water cycle is responsible for making clouds?

condensation I on your mirro

What type of energy that is greater in the swimming pool with a temperature of 24c then in a puddle with a temperature of 24c?

The swimming pool would have more thermal energy than the puddle at the same temperature of 24Β°C due to its larger volume of water. This is because thermal energy is directly related to the amount of matter (in this case water) present, so a larger body of water like a swimming pool will contain more thermal energy compared to a small puddle.

Which has more total energy a cup of boiling water at 100ΒΊC or a swimming pool of slightly cooler water at 90ΒΊC?


Is the photosynthesis process responsible for changing liquid water into water vapor?

No it is not. Photosynthesis is responsible for harnessing the energy of the sun to give a plant it's nutrients. Evaporation is the process responsible for changing liquid to vapor (water or otherwise).