Different types of water sports may require different types of wetsuits. Surfing, scuba diving, and swimming wetsuits all have different requirements and are therefor constructed and designed differently to accommodate for the sports.
A wetsuit is something used to for anyone engaging in water sports to keep them warm, protected and afloat. Places to find some wetsuit gloves is in sporting good stores or on the Amazon website. Prices are about $15-$60.
A triathlon wetsuit should not be used for surfing due to the fragile coating on the outside of the suit. The abrasive surface of the surfboard will damage the wetsuit ruining the coating and possibly tearing the suit.
All sports that require the competitor to be alive use the cardiac AKA the heart muscle.
Most types of sports that would require a sports bra for most women include sports like gymnastics and figure skating, as well as soccer and basketball as well.
There are various sports that use boats and outboards for recreation. Two sports that require a boat and outboards are wake-boarding and water-skiing.
why would any board damage your wetsuit...huh?
french for wetsuit: un combinaison xxx
Wetsuit Warehouse has some wetsuit boots and other accessories on their website. If you purchase some wetsuit boots, there are a lot of wetsuits for men and women for sale.
No, it does not. When I was certified, I learned you can pee in your wetsuit, but it sounds kinda gross. This means that you can pee in your wetsuit without it causing any damage. I own a 3mm wetsuit and peeing in it hasn't caused any damage.
A bathing suit for starters, a rash guard, or most surfers wear nothing under. A common additional item to wear under a wetsuit is a one piece lycra suit. The benefits of this are that it makes the wetsuit easier to put on and off, and the lycra doesn't compress. For instance someone diving a 5mm farmer john (2 piece) wetsuit and a 2mm lycra dives deep enough that the wetsuit has compressed to half its original thickness. This diver now has 2.5mm of wetsuit covering their legs and arms, 5mm covering their core (chest, stomach.) Now when you add the 2mm from the lycra which hasn't compressed there is actually 4.5mm on the legs/arm and 7mm over the core area. A diver in a 7mm farmer john at the same depth is left with 3.5mm on the legs/arms and 7mm over the core. If you double the depth at this point the 5mm and the lycra gain a lead over the thicker wetsuit. The free aditional benefit to this item is that you may be able to get rid of some extra weight as you can use a thinner wetsuit which will require less weight to get you under.
The short answer is glue, but use a type that is non-corrosive to neoprene. Either that or use fishing line and sew it.