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IM (individual medley) = fly back breast free all in one race.


flutter kick= freestyle/backstroke kick

dolphin kick= butterfly kick

frog kick= breastroke kick

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Q: What some common slang words used in swimming and what do they mean?
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What does the slang term 'dog face' mean?

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The two words mean the same thing. Colloquialism is the fancy term for slang.

Are slang words synonymous?

With what? Synonymous means that something has the same meaning, so you have to be more specific. Some slang words mean the same as other words, but some don't.

What does the slang word orter in Tom Sawyer mean?

It's not slang, it's a dialect spelling of his pronunciation of the words "ought to," which mean the same as "should."

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It is the slang term for Sucker. Or in other words, loser.

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Fingering is a slang term for the femaleversionof masturbating, and mooning is to show your bottom to someone.

What are the most common slang words used by black people and what do they mean?

Some common slang words used by black people include "lit" (exciting or excellent), "flex" (to show off), "cap" (lie), and "fam" (close friend or family member). These terms are often heard in casual conversations and social media.

What are some slang words that mean cool?

Solid. Key. Tight. Decent

How do you spell no in slang?

There are several slang words that mean "no" (these should only be used in dialogue, not formal writing):NAHNAWNEGATORYNOONOPENO WAYUH-UHAIN'T (isn't)