the stroke is not a side it is a certain seat in the boat. the stroke is the seat closest to the stern of the boat. in an 8 man boat it is seat number 8 with bow being seat number 1. in a four it is the number 4 seat and so on and so forth
The members of a crew (rowing) team are called rowers. Individually each seat in the boat is given a number, counting from bow (front) to stern (rear) with the bow being one. Either "bow seat" or "one seat" will work for the bow rower, and similarly the sternmost rower is either "stroke seat" or 8 seat 4 seat or 2 seat (depending on the type of boat). The person steering the boat and giving commands (located in the stern of an 8 and either the bow or stern of a 4) is the coxswain or "cox". A rower rowing with two oars oars (sculling) can be called a sculler, whereas a rower with only oen oar (sweeping) is just known as a rower. Also, the sides of the boat are named, with the right side (facing forwards) being starboard and the left side being port. In Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, starboard is "bow side" and port is "stroke side", as this is how boats are typically (but not always) rigged.
a crew, a boat, a lineup, a rowing team are all commonly used by athletes in the sport. I'm a 4 year rower and we call it just simply "crew" and when we refer to the people in our boat we call it "our boat". A lineup is the allotmant of people from bow to stroke seat.
Depends on the intensity.
The person who steers the boat is called a cox, the person who sets the pace is called stroke, then the person behind is called 3 seat, the person behind 3 seat is called 2 seat and then at the back is bow.
Either bowman or coxswain (coxswain if it is a bow coxed boat, bowman otherwise)
The coxswain is seen as the leader of a rowing team and sits in the bow of the boat. They are in charge of monitoring the other racers and setting the rowing tempo.
In order to back a rowing boat, the rowers twist the oar handle 180 degrees turning the blade (end of the oar) around backwards. Then the rowing stroke is done in reverse. The blade is placed in the water toward the stern, then the rower pushes (rather than pulls) the oar handle away from their chest sending the blade through the water toward the bow of the boat. As long as each rower that is "backing" is paired with another rower that holds an oar on the opposite side of the boat who is also backing, this motion will "back" the boat down, rather than send it forward.
bow wow
the bow that most professional hunters use is a Bow-Tech. the best bow is Bow-Tech.
It means connecting two notes (playing two notes in one bow stroke)
Yes, the left side Hello Kitty's bow is larger but it is not always a bow sometimes she wears a flower!