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If you are already using the Valsalva maneuver and your ears aren't equalizing, you should make sure you aren't sick and probably go to a doctor to get cleared for diving.

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Q: What should you do if you experience discomfort in your ears upon descending?
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When do your ears pop in and out?

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What is an echo in your ears?

An echo in your ears is a sensation where you hear sounds repeating or bouncing back in your inner ear. It may be caused by various factors like fluid build-up, ear infections, or changes in pressure. If you experience persistent echoes in your ears, it's important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.

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Babies cannot express their discomfort except by crying out, but many times they are experiencing cabin pressure changes which can give them serious ear pain. Their eustachion tubes are not fully developed, and they tend to be "colicky" which can congest their ear passages and pharynx. The middle ear can present serious pain to the baby when the cabin presure is changing. For this reason, you should give the baby a bottle (water, formula, or juice), especially when ascending or descending. This is almost equivalent to adults chewing gum or popping your ears. This may alleviate some of the baby's discomfort.

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Sounds at 17 kHz are well above the typical hearing range for adults, so they are unlikely to cause direct damage to your ears. However, exposure to very high frequencies like 17 kHz could potentially lead to discomfort or annoyance, especially if the sound is at a high volume or is sustained for a long period of time. If you experience any pain, ringing in the ears, or other symptoms while exposed to sounds at this frequency, you should remove yourself from the source and consult a healthcare professional if needed.

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How should you take care of your ears?

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During a thunderstorm, you would likely experience a decrease in atmospheric pressure due to the active weather system in the area. This decrease in pressure can create a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in your ears or sinuses.

Do you take tapers out at night or leave them in your ears?

It is generally recommended to leave tapers in your ears overnight as they help in the stretching process. However, it is crucial to ensure they are clean and properly lubricated to minimize the risk of irritation or infection. If you experience any discomfort or pain, it may be advisable to downsize or remove them before sleeping.

Which is better to get your ears pierced at Claire's or La Lobe?

use Claire's (from experience)

Hi you have a bump next to my right ears should i be worried?

should i be worried about this bump at the corner of my right ears?