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They bend only slightly. That happens when you are kicking.

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Q: What movement does the knee occur in swimming?
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How can a knee joint injury occur in volleyball?

well suddenly you make a wrong movement and that's how it can happen

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What is the role of the quads and hamstrings in producing movement at a specific joint?

The quads are responsible for extending the knee joint, while the hamstrings are responsible for flexing the knee joint. Together, they work in opposition to produce movement and stabilize the knee during activities like walking, running, and jumping.

What is knee ROM?

ROM stans for Range of Motion/Movement so it mean how much does the knee move. Normal rnage of movement for the knee is approx 0-160 degrees

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During swimming, finning is a type of movement. Finning is known as when the movement looks like a fish fin

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When you were undergone training free style swimming coach said do not bend knee But you see at Olympics free style players bend their knees while swimming What is the correct way?

it depends on what stroke you are swimming. if you are swimming breaststroke then you do bend your knee in freestyle and backstroke you don't bend your knee. in butterfly you only snap your whole leg your knee doesn't bend all the way. if you don't kick the right way in breaststroke then you can hurt your self becareful and ask a coach. good luck

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What do do about knee swelling?

seek medical advice as there are a number of issue that occur to the knee which swelling indicates

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Which type of movement bends the knee and brings the lower leg toward the back?

flexion of the knee.