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An oxygen mask being essential for skydiving is a myth. Just don't bring one; it's a waste of money. jm143am says: For someone jumping at 14k feet or below - a mask isn't needed...anything over 14k feet the air is thinner and thus more difficult to breathe....most people won't jump their intro jumps from this height unless requested to do so...and they'll probably provide you with a mask...18k feet or something of that nature its a must to have one...don't want to be passing out after jumping out of a plane ;)

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depends on the rules and regulations of the place you skydive but i think you would need it above 18000ft regardless of rules. due to the lack of oxygen.

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To participate in oxygen therapy, you typically need a prescription from a healthcare provider, an oxygen delivery system (such as an oxygen tank or concentrator), nasal cannula or mask for oxygen delivery, and tubing to connect the delivery system to the cannula or mask. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the specific equipment needed for your oxygen therapy.

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