The lane with the fastest swimmer in it! Organizers typically try to put the fastest swimmers in the center lanes, but it doesn't always work out that way.
when people swimming lanes divided by lane lines
A lane is a small pathway. It can alse be used to denote a fixed route, such as a 'swimming lane".
it is
In Olympic swimming pools there must always be 10 lanes. Although only 8 of these are used it still must have a lane rope between each lane, so there are 9 lane ropes used.
Landmark Hotel London has a beautiful swimming pool located in their Landmark Spa. Pamper yourself with a relaxing massage before taking a swim in their luxurious pool.
There are many different kinds. The most common is 6 lanes. There are also a lot of 8 lane pools.
Backlash from the waves hitting the side of the pools and then back into the lane makes for an unfair, choppy conditions. Also the most common number of finalists is 8 and there are 10 lane.
25 yards
164 ft. 2
Generally the lane closest to the center divider. Lanes are numbered from the left most lane on the side of the road you are on. Such as number one lane, the left most lane , is generally considered the fast lane.