Clear skies and low winds (between 5 and 15mph) are perfect for skydiving.
The most important weather conditions to be aware of for skydiving are the wind conditions. The most ideal wind conditions for skydiving are low to moderate winds. Also, the sky needs to be clear or low in clouds so the skydivers are able to clearly see the ground. Thunderstorms can be very dangerous for skydivers as well because they are accompanied by unpredictable winds. You can find more information on skydiving weather conditions at
Texas Skydiving- 1055 Private Rd. 7002 Lexington, TX
Warm and sunny weather is best for growing roses.
After some research I learned that there has been one fatality due to indoor skydiving. You may also be at risk of broken bones and bruises. Depends on how you may fall.
any bird that wants to risk dying.
If first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Skydiving is always cool ;)
I asked this question how am I supposed to know
There is nothing like skydiving in Bangladesh.
He didn't have any injuries. I bet he'd never do that again!
what kind of weather dose mississippi have