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Paddling is when you put your hands and arms in front of you so your elbows are touching your sides so you are like a doggie, paddling in the water. And you just flap your hands like you are splashing the water but a little different than that.

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16y ago
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8y ago

The word 'paddling' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to paddle.

The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund (verbal noun).

The verb to 'paddle' is to move through the water by use of an oar; to swim with short, fast strokes; to spank with a flat tool or implement; a word for an action.

The word 'paddle' is also a noun, a word for an oar; an instrument used to stir something; an instrument used to spank; a word for a thing.

Example uses:

He was paddling the canoe in circles. (verb)

His paddling skills needed improvement. (adjective)

My father would give me a paddling if I used words like that. (noun)

Junior can't swim yet but he likes to paddlearound the pool. (verb)

You need a wooden paddle to stir a pot that large. (noun)

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13y ago

It is the use of paddles on your hands. They make you swim faster. It trains your triceps.

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8y ago

"Paddling" means "the act of using a paddle, or an act of corporal punishment consisting of spanking the buttocks with a paddle.

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Who invented the swimming paddles?

Benjamin Franklin might have invented swimming paddles as a young kid to allow people to swim faster.

What may you use when swimming?

You can use fins, kickboards, paddles, noodles, waterwings, etc. There are more, but I can't think of them right off the bat.

What do you move a canoe with?

Paddles, basically. Or use a rivers current as a advantage to not use paddles.

What is something that makes swimming swim faster?

Swimmers can wear fins/flippers, and paddles to assist in speed.

What equipment is used on a swimming team?

Equipment used by members of a swimming team include kick boards, pull buoys, paddles, fins, lane lines, and diving boards.

Where do you use paddles?

you use it on your but/ass and you use it to bring pain and misery to kids and men

What are the swimming equipments?

Equipment for practices include: Practice suit and drag suit: These increase the drag (resistance) in the water so when you take them off to race you go alot faster Goggles: For the sole purpose of being able to see while your swimming Cap: Its really optional.. but for girls (and guys with long hair) it helps alot with keeping your hair out of the way. And there are really cute caps out there too! Fins: Used for kicking or swimming. Pull Buoy: A piece of foam that you put between your legs so you can pull and focus on your arms. This prevents kicking and also keeps legs afloat. A strap or tube can also be substituted for this Paddles: Increase pull against the water.. can either be traditional or fulcrom style paddles. These are usually used for pulling Snorkle: Sometimes used in pulling. This allows you to breathe while you swim without turning your head. Kick Board: A board that you use for kicking Equipment for Competition: Racing suit: Usually very tight and sometimes longer down the legs and arms. This provides the least amount of drag. Goggles Cap: Cuts out drag that hair has Warmups: Keep you muscles warm before and after races! and of course towels!

Did the mayans use boats?

yes they did they built wood boats and paddles.

What is the subject in this sentence Many games use rackets or paddles?

the subject is games

What is a muskrat?

foxes and raccoons

Who paddles like a boss?

Everyone that paddles for Kai ehitu...ooh yeah!!!! :)

How many paddles in a canoe?

There should only be 2 paddles per canoe.