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Q: What is the underwater movement of water caused by wave action that you will experience when diving in areas close to shore?
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What Energy Caused The Action?

You will have to specify what action? If you mean movement, a moving object has kinetic energy and energy could have been transferred from a release of chemical or potential energy.

What caused the 2004 indoneisan tsunami - a divergent convergent or transform plate movement?

The 2004 Indonesian tsunami was caused by a megathrust earthquake along a subduction zone, which involves a convergent plate movement. The Indian Plate subducted beneath the Burma Plate, generating a massive underwater earthquake that resulted in the tsunami.

What is a tsunami and how is it caused?

A tsunami is a huge tidal wave caused by an underwater earthquake.

What is the land forms produced underwater caused by the movement of oceanic plate?

Submarine landforms created by the movement of oceanic plates include ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, seamounts, and underwater volcanoes. These features are a result of tectonic processes such as seafloor spreading, subduction, and volcanic activity.

What is the name of the 1rst phase of the action potential that is caused by the inward movement of sodium?

The first phase of the action potential caused by the inward movement of sodium is called depolarization. During this phase, the cell membrane potential becomes less negative as sodium ions rush into the cell through voltage-gated sodium channels.

What can be caused when an earthquake happens underwater?

a tsunami wave

What place in the world do tsunamis occur in?

it is caused by underwater disturbance

What isa gigantic wave caused by an underwater earthquake?

a tsunami

How do underwater earthquakes happen?

Underwater earthquakes occur when there is a sudden release of energy caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the ocean floor. This movement creates seismic waves that cause the water above to shake, producing underwater tremors. These earthquakes can also trigger tsunamis if they displace a large volume of water.

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What causes the movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels?

The movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels is caused mostly by movement, however lymph pressure also plays a part.

What is caused the sea movement?

It is caused by earth quake.