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Is this a trick question? One atmosphere gives normal (earth) pressure so the partial pressure would be directly equivelant to the percentage of CO2 in the air you're breathing at that time. Hopefully nil, but if you have a rebreather there will be some or if you are in a small room where you or others have already been breathing there will be some. There will be some in normal air but it should be negligible.


The PP of CO2 at one atmosphere (at 15C at a pressure of 101325Pa) is 0.0314% of the total pressure, i.e. 14.7PSI in. or roughly 0.004616lbs/sq in. This assumes the diver is (a) on the surface (and doesn't mean 1atm above surface pressure or 29.4PSI or 33ft of sea water) and that his lungs are pressurized to exactly 1 ATM (which may be slightly off if he is holding his breath). This percentage may actually be less with a properly charged and tuned rebreather in that the CO2 scrubbing in the rebreather is intended not to remove all the CO2, but instead to reduce it to the same PP as one would find in a surface air mixture. This is as opposed to an open breathing system which, assuming an air fill and not mixed gasses, will have the same PP-CO2 as surface air and thus needs no adjustment.

This is important because the initial/normal breathing reflex is triggered by serum PP-CO2 (and not as is commonly thought, P-O2). A secondary breathing reflex pattern -- Cheyne-Stoakes respiration triggers off P-O2m but is not normal breathing and is diagnostic of severe CNS insult (i.e. if you're breathing this way you likely aren't conscious and are likely near death). Depleting all CO2 from the breathing source can result in depleted serum CO-2 which in turn fails to trigger the normal breathing reflex, and may result in hypoxia and syncope, resulant in death.

Cjonb 21:30, 2 Jun 2008 (UTC)


The partial pressure of CO2 in the inhaled air is irrelevant. The CO2 in the lungs does not come from the inhaled air, it comes from the blood, which creates around 40 mm Hg of CO2 in the lungs, about 100 times as much as is present in the atmosphere. This is a physiological norm, essential for maintaining correct pH of the blood, with deviations to either lower or upper side being equally dangerous.

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Q: What is the partial pressure of CO2 in the lungs at one atmosphere?
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How does one calculate alveolar carbon dioxide partial pressure?

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To find the partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere, first convert the concentration to a decimal fraction: 385 ppm = 0.000385. Then, calculate the partial pressure by multiplying the concentration by the total pressure: 0.000385 * 14 psi = 0.00539 psi. Converting this value to bars gives approximately 0.00037 bar.

This gas is carried back to the heart and then to the lungs where it is released back into the atmosphere?

CO2 - Carbon dioxide.