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Shanda pihhilips

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Aisha Wiza

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Q: What is the name of the underwater building being explored by divers?
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Underwater building being explored by divers in Egypt?


Underwater building being explored by divers?

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What is the underwater building being explored by divers?

There are many items underwater that are found in many places.

Under water building being explored by divers in Egypt?

Shanda Pihhilips

What is the name of the under water building being explored by divers?

It is called Fumanducheese

What is the wavelength of sonar?

The wavelength of sonar waves can vary depending on the frequency of the sound waves being emitted. In general, the wavelength of sonar used in underwater applications ranges from a few centimeters to several meters. The selection of the frequency and corresponding wavelength is based on the specific requirements of the sonar system and the properties of the underwater environment being explored.

What is involved in the profession of being a commercial diver?

Commercial divers do all sorts of things from underwater welding, to salvage and recovery, to security and police work. check out the attached link for more information (click the "related links" link).

What is it called when you are completely underwater?

Being completely underwater is referred to as being submerged.

What happens if people are diving and a tsunami hits the ocean?

If people are diving when a tsunami hits the ocean, they may not immediately feel the effects due to the depth and distance underwater. However, as the wave approaches shore, it can create strong currents that can be dangerous for divers as they resurface. It is important for divers to stay calm and follow safety protocols to avoid being caught in dangerous situations.

Where did they settle in France after being Explored?


Name three ways a crocodile needs to adapt to live underwater?

by being cold blooded by having second eyelids and by being able to breath underwater

What is mammoth caves main distinction?

Being the longest cave explored (350 miles)