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The Empire Aquatics organization was founded in June 2007, by Ilan Noach, former coach of the YWCA Middies of White Plains, NY. After departing Middies, many families and coaches followed him, and began Empire. Empire Aquatics now owns Empire Swim Team, a team in the Metropolitan Division of USA Swimming, as well as Empire Swim School. Empire is primarily based at the Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY, and also practices at Manhattanville College in Purchase, the Tarrytown Sheraton, and the Saxon Woods Park Pool. For more information, visit

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14y ago

Empire Swim Team, owned and operated by Empire Aquatics, is a winter swim team under the Metropolitan Zone of USA Swimming. Empire was founded in June 2007, after many swimmers and coaches departed the YWCA of White Plains Middies Team. Empire Aquatics also owns Empire Swim School, offering classes for swimmers of all ages and abilities. The Empire staff is led by Ilan Noach (Xtreme), and assisted by Kevin Stone (Lightning and Xcel), Bill Natlo (Xtreme), Brian McClintock (Lightning, Xcel), Mike Ruggerio (Lightning), Criag McClintock (Lightning and Xcel), Inga DeNuzio (Rockets), Kelly Brennan (Rockets), Abbe Egan (Rockets), Cara Leonard (Rockets), Ryan Boate (Xtreme) and Sharon Callahan. Empire is one of the most successful teams in USA Swimming, as being ranked 17th by the Virtual Club Champions. Empire is primarily based out of the Hackley School Pool in Tarrytown, NY, and also practices out of the Kennedy Gym at Manhattanville College, Ardsley Middle School, the Tarrytown Sheraton, and Saxon Woods Park in White Plains, NY (during the summer).

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