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Q: What is the easiest way to remove and replace a scuba unitunder water?
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How can one use Clorox to clean a scooba?

The Clorox can be applied to the scuba to clean it. To do this, you can just use a rag or scrubber that has Clorox on it, and gently apply it to the scuba. The Clorox will remove most of the debris.

Can you scuba dive if you were diagnosed with Otosclerosis?

Otoslerosis should not hinder scuba diving however it is necessary to clean the ear canal with ear buds to remove whatever moisure that's still there. This will prevent infection.

Where can you scuba dive in Pennsylvania?

If you are looking for replacement TV remotes there are several to choose from. The easiest thing to do is to purchase a universal remote control from any local appliance store.

Is it proper grammar to use scuba or SCUBA?

Either, depending on context. Usually, if used as a noun it is SCUBA; as an adjective, as in scuba diver, it is just scuba.

What is swimming with an aqualung and flippers called?

It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.

Do pre-charge pneumatic powered rifles run out of power?

Yes. they have to be recharged after a set number of shots. With a special compressor, Hand pump or Scuba tank. I find the scuba tank the easiest. PCP rifles and guns are in a high end class of there own. These are the most powerful airguns made.

What do scuba drivers do?

Scuba diving.

Do scuba diver have back bones?

A scuba diver is a human who enjoys scuba diving. Therefore, a scuba diver has a spine and is a vertebrate.

Is scuba a verb?

No, but "scuba-diving" is a verb.

How do you spell the past tense of scuba?

'SCUBA' is a noun, referring to the breathing apparatus. 'SCUBA dive' is the verb, with 'SCUBA dived' as the past-tense form.

Where did the word SCUBA come from?

It's an acronym: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus = SCUBA (not scuba)

How was scuba gear developed?

Scuba was invented by the navy.