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Swimming does not improve bone density because it is not a weight bearing exercise, however it is an excellent aerobic exercise and it is kinder on joints than many weight-bearing exercises.

Answerand your hair gets really like crappy because of the chlorine dries it out.


there is always a chance of drowning

and um if you get really good at it like me you will become socialy retard cause swimming will became your life not cool but it is a great sport


personaly i have swum all my life well since i was three to fifteen now, and at the moment i am out of all sport having a serious back injury. swimmng causes me a lot of pain and this is partially to do with over doing it. i have been out of swimming for 3 months and it is KILLING ME. i am not allowed to do ny sport now fo the forseeable future, no butterfly for the rest of my life and will never be able to compete again in conclution just be careful

also... your nails are weak and horrible and your skin goes all irnkly after training

a plus side is that you will feel really comfortable in mini shorts or in swimming stuff on holiday because you are so used to it.


your shoulders will probably roll forward which some people find unattractive and can damage ur shoulder as the scapula or somthing moves upwards n can damage a nerve which damages ur shoulder. many swimers in the 1980s had this injury.

when swimmers stretch their arm out to pull , their rhomboids (the muscles between the scapulas(the shoulder blades) get over stretched and cause ur shoulders to roll.

preventing the rolling of shoulders is simple though. you can do excercises such as scapula retraction. which is simply squezing ur scapulas together and holding them for a few seconds and then releasing.

it also makes ur shoulders wider which most girls woodnt like

AnswerI'm assuming the question refers to competition swimming and training for such competition. There are no real disadvantages for basic low-impact casual swimming.

Practically, there are two sets of disadvantages: certain physical issues, and several social/appearance issues.

The primary physical issues are: repetitive motion disorders, muscle pulls/strains, and joint problems. A typical competition swimmer who trains for 2 hours per day will typically rotate their each arm on the order of 3,000 times EACH day. That rapidly adds up over time, and many swimmers experience at least some shoulder pain during their career, and small minority of them will have a significant shoulder injury (ranging from rotator cuff injuries, to dislocations, to torn muscle or tendons to the rare pinched nerve). Similarly, excessive flexion of the knees and heels can sometimes lead to torn ligaments or tendons in those areas. Finally, pulled or torn muscles in the abdomen, arms, and legs are also a risk. Note that the incidence of injury in swimming is far below any other high-intensity sport.

The long periods of immersion in water (particularly chemically-treated water) can lead to a variety of hair and skin problems, virtually all of them cosmetic. Special shampoos are recommended to alleviate the damage chemicals cause to hair, and remove any discoloration or odors. Similarly, skin conditioners are recommended to reverse drying of the skin (it may seem counterintuitive that swimmers experience this, but the chemicals in pool water pose significant skin issues). Eye irritation is also common, though mostly avoidable by wearing goggles while in the pool.

The "rolled shoulders" look mentioned above is a myth. Swimmers typically have broader shoulders than many other athletes, as swimming tends to build the upper torso's musculature significantly. However, this is seldom out of proportion in any way (in fact, swimmers tend to have one of the most balanced physiques of all athletes, particularly those swimmers specializing in mid-to-long distances).

Finally, perhaps the biggest disadvantage of swimming is the time and mental commitment needed to be a competitive swimmer. Swimming requires a very extended and quite grueling training period, even for the average competitive swimmer. Most swimmers need at least 2 hours of training in a pool, every day (5-6 days per week), for at least 6 months continuously to attain peak ability. In addition, it is not possible to maintain this peak performance for very long - even swimmers who train year-round seldom hit more than two peak performance periods per year (each peak lasting a week or so). If there are any gaps in the swimming routine - which is typical, since most swimmers don't practices every week, all year - there can be a significant period of retraining required before the person regains even their baseline level of proficiency. For example, in the USA, a typical high-school swimming season is September to April. Even kids who remain active and fit (but don't swim) after April will find themselves feeling very "out-of-shape" come September, and most won't feel good about their abilities again until at least late November. Competitive swimming is thus about long hours training and significant periods of time where the swimmer can feel dissatisfied about their performance. Performance and satisfaction is measured in very small increments, relative to the enormous amount of effort put in.

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8y ago

One disadvantage is that you have more maintenance work at home - and having to maintain a pool could cost some serious amount of money.

It can also be dangerous for children who do not know how to swim.

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11y ago

Lap pools are designed for fitness and speed for swimmers. Some disadvantages of this model of pool are they get crowded, generally no diving and having to go with the flow of other swimmers can be annoying.

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12y ago

The pool doesn't have salt so you won't float as easy and then it will b harder to swim, but it gives you more experience out in the sea/ocean.

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11y ago

Swimming Pools are dangerous because if you hit your head on the side of the pool and get knocked out, you will go into the water unconcious and drown.

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How do you measure a lap in a pool?

A lap in a pool is measured by the long side of the pool. The longest length of the pool is often used for races by swimmers.

Is a lap in an olympic size swimming pool just one length of the pool?

An Olympic pool is 50 meters in length so 50 meters would be one length of the pool .

What is a lap in a rectangular pool?

A rectangular pool shape is longer than it is wide. A lap would be comprised of swimming the length of the pool.

Is a lap one length of a pool?

no a lap is down and back

When installing a minimum-length 15 meter lap pool in your home what is the absolute minimum width of the lap pool?


How many lap to do .25 mile in pool?

Depends on how long the pool is.

How many meters in a full-size lap pool?

A full size Olympic lap pool is 50 meters in length. The width of the pool depends on space and usage requirements.

What is the disadvantage of lap winding?

It is always strong quite weak

How deep does a lap pool have to be?

6 feet

What measures the swimming?

An average recreational pool, is 25 yards per lap, some competetive pools are 25 meters per lap, and an olympic sized pool is 50 meters per lap.

Is two lengths equal to one lap in a pool?

Some people feel that a lap and a length are the same thing. They will use the terms interchangeably. Competitive swimmers do not often talk about lengths, but when they do they usually mean one complete length of the pool. As such, a lap generally refers to two lengths. For example in a 25 yard pool, a mile is ~35 laps, or ~70 lengths.Webster's II New College Dictionary uses the following definition for lap in regard to pools: "2.b. One complete length of a straight course, as in a swimming pool."

Where offline can a lap pool be purchased?

A lap pool can be purchased offline from the local agencies providing the same. These are small pools and can be installed at home. The local swimming pool owners may provide this service.