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Q: What is the dieseas of someone who craves for alcohol?
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A serial killer and an alcoholic are the same right?

Absolutely not. An alcoholic craves alcohol. A serial killer craves power. Some serial killers abuse alcohol and/or drugs but most do not.

What is the word for someone who craves praise?

One word for someone who craves praise is narcissistic. This person can also be described as an approval-seeker and is sometimes seen as vain.

What is an alcoholization?

An alcoholic is someone that is addicted and craves alcoholic beverages.

What is it called when someone craves attention?

An attention-seeker and/or insecure person.

What is the hung time that someone craves love?

nothing this question does not make sense

What does dieseas mean?

Dieseas is what you shout when the ocean makes you mad. i.e. "Die, seas, die!" Actually, dieseas isn't a word. Disease is, though. It means "an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning"

How many syllables in craves?

"Craves" has one single syllable. Craves.

How do you prevent dieseas?

dont have sex

What are the early signs that someone has aids?

Aids are viures dieseas and mostly common in the world and it transfer by infacted body to healthy body by different way and now a day it is control by using different madicen it is firstly transfer by monkey to women in u.s.a and if we strikly follow the islamic rule we control this dieseas.

How tall is Cala Craves?

Cala Craves is 5' 5".

When was Cala Craves born?

Cala Craves was born on October 3, 1964, in Arizona, USA.

What would you call someone who craves knowledge?

You could call them a "knowledge seeker" or "curious individual."