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The diving depth record for off shore diving was achieved in 1988 by a team of professional divers of the Comex S.A. industrial deep-sea diving company performing pipe line connection exercises at a depth of 534 meters (1752 ft) of sea water (MSW) in the Mediterranean Sea during a record scientific dive.

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Q: What is the deepest dive for a diving bell?
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What is a diving bell?

It is a device that looks like a bell and helps you dive into very deep places. the bell hosts the people in it sheilding them from the pressure.

What is the deepest diving marine mammal?

The deepest diving marine mammal is the Cuvier's beaked whale, which has been recorded diving to depths of over 9,800 feet (3,000 meters). This species is known for their remarkable ability to dive to extreme depths in search of their primary prey, deep-water squid.

What kind of dive is the fastest?

Crawl diving.

What part of speech is diving?

Diving is the present participle of the verb dive.

What animal can dive the deepest?

The emperor penguin.

What is the duration of Diving In?

The duration of Repeat Dive is 1.45 hours.

What do divers dive on?

Diving boards

When was Diving bell spider created?

Diving bell spider was created in 1758.

Deepest submarine dive?

like 11,000 meters

What are the tenses of the word dive?

Present participle - diving Simple past - dived Past participle - dived

Is the word dive a verb?

Yes. The forms are: dive / dives / dived / diving Also it can be a noun: He did a good dive.

Is the Leatherback Sea Turtle the deepest diving animal?

No, but it is the deepest diving sea turtle at about 1200ft. The sperm whale is the deepest diving animal at about 2000ft. "An international team studying diving capacity of two beaked whales species, Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) and Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), discovered that these species achieve the deepest and longest dives of any air-breathing species. " Source: Softpedia