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Let's start with understanding the question. Partial pressure is defined as the fractional percentage of the gas in the overall gas mixture times the total pressure in Atmospheres. If we assume we're Scuba diving using air as our breathing gas, then the fractional percentage of nitrogen is 79% (or .79). Oxygen make up the majority of the balance at 21% (.21) Air is made up primarily of these two gasses. All other gasses that comprise air are considered "trace" gasses. Carbon dioxide is one of these trace gases, and accounts for about 0.039% percent of air by volume.

If we assume for a moment that we're at sea level, then the total pressure, by definition, is 1 Atmosphere (atm). This means that the partial pressure of nitrogen in air at sea level is .79. Oxygen is .21. Carbon dioxide is .00039.

Every 33 feet a diver descends in sea water adds one additional Atmosphere to the Total Pressure. This means that Total Pressure at 33 feet is 2atm and at 66 feet is 3atm. PPO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) at 33 feet is .42. PPN (nitrogen) is 1.58. PPCO2 (carbon dioxide) is .00078. At 66 feet of sea water PPCO2 is .00117 (.00039 X 3atm).

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Q: What is partial pressure of CO2 scuba diving?
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yes but only the ambient CO2 it is a NITROX mask for elevated O2 between 40 and 60 % the rest is AIR which contains Co2 at atmospheric pressure.. 1 BARAdditionAssuming you are talking about some kind of full face diving mask with a regulator attached, you will be rebreathing some gas you have exhaled. So yes, you will be rebreathing CO2 - which will be at a greater concentration as well as a greater partial pressure than the CO2 at atmospheric pressure. But it will be minor amounts. However if you are talking about a hospital type of application then it is a different answer.

Where is the greatest partial pressure of CO2?

The greatest partial pressure of CO2 is typically found in the alveoli of the lungs, where CO2 is exchanged between the bloodstream and the air we breathe. This is the point where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is released.

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Exchange of gases in alveoli takes place through diffusion. This diffusion takes place to partial pressure differences among the gases O2 and CO2. The partial pressure of O2in alveolar sac = 103 mm Hg The partial pressure of O2 in blood = 50mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in alveolar sac = 28 mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in blood = 45 mm Hg As a result, the O2 from alveolar sacs diffuses into blood. the CO2 diffuses from blood into lungs.

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To find the partial pressure of oxygen, we need to subtract the partial pressures of nitrogen and CO2 from the total pressure of the mixture, which is typically around 760 mmHg at sea level. Therefore, the partial pressure of oxygen would be 760 - 630 - 39 = 91 mmHg.

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The high partial pressure of CO2 in cells is due to the fact that cells produce CO2 as a byproduct of metabolism. This CO2 diffuses out of cells into the bloodstream where it is carried to the lungs for removal. In contrast, the environment outside of cells has a lower concentration of CO2, resulting in a concentration gradient that drives the movement of CO2 out of the cells.

How does one calculate alveolar carbon dioxide partial pressure?

Alveolar carbon dioxide partial pressure can be calculated using the alveolar gas equation: PaCO2 = (Pb-PH2O) * FiCO2 - (PaCO2 / R), where PaCO2 is the alveolar partial pressure of carbon dioxide, Pb is barometric pressure, PH2O is water vapor pressure, FiCO2 is inspired fraction of CO2, and R is the respiratory quotient. This equation helps estimate the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli.

Which gas law explains why there is as much CO2 exchanged between the alveoli and blood as there is O2 exchanged despite the fact that the partial pressure difference is so much smaller for CO2?

Henry's Law explains that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. As CO2 is more soluble in blood than O2, even though the partial pressure difference is smaller for CO2, more CO2 can be exchanged between the alveoli and blood due to its higher solubility.

What is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a container that holds 5 moles of carbon dioxide 3 moles of nitrogen and 1 mole of hydrogen and has a total pressure of 1.05 ATM?

The total moles of gas in the container is 9 moles (5 moles CO2 + 3 moles N2 + 1 mole H2). To find the partial pressure of CO2, divide the moles of CO2 by the total moles of gas and multiply by the total pressure: (5 moles CO2 / 9 moles total gas) * 1.05 ATM = 0.5833 ATM. Therefore, the partial pressure of CO2 in the container is 0.5833 ATM.

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The normal partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is 75-100 millimeters of mercury. In comparison the partial pressure of oxygen at sea level is 750 millimeters of mercury.

How refreshing the air in the air sacs helps to maintain a steep diffusion gradient?

It increases the partial pressure of oxygen, so the concentration is higher than that of the blood. Therefore the partial pressure of CO2 decreases , so Co2's concentration is lower than the bloods.

What is PaCO2?

The concentration of Carbon Dioxide in arterial blood. Partial (Pa) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) pressure in ABG.