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Flocking is adding a chemical that is almost sticky to the touch. Just ask your local pool store for a flocking agent. What it does is gathers the loose particles that are floating around in the pool and settles them to the bottom. It is very affective. First, set your filter valve to "recirculate" you don't want flocking agent to enter filter. Second, dilute flocking agent in water and try to blanket the pool surface as well as you can so when the flock settles it takes everything to the bottom. Run your pool for a couple of hours, then turn off your pump. Let it sit overnight. The next day, vacuum your pool to waste VERY slowly as to not kick up debris. I have done this a few times as I was introduced to this earlier this summer.

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Q: What is flocking a swimming pool that has cloudy water?
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Will swimming pool water be cloudy if the stablelizer is low?

Not likely, make sure all chemicals are balanced. If still cloudy, use a clarifier sold at pool stores.

Cloudy and greenish looking water in vinyl swimming pool?

Shock treatment for the green part. If it is still cloudy you can add a clarifier sold at your local pool supply.


The water in a pool can be cloudy because the chemicals are not balanced. If people wear sunscreen and go in the pool before it has soaked in it can also cause the water to become cloudy.

Why is it cloudy?

The water in a pool can be cloudy because the chemicals are not balanced. If people wear sunscreen and go in the pool before it has soaked in it can also cause the water to become cloudy.

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Use extra chlorine for about a week to shock the pool. As long as the water stays clear, you don't have a problem. If the pool gets cloudy, consult a professional.

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it means your swimming in a pool with dirty water and fish.....get out!

Why add hydrochloric acid to swimming pool?

Reduces alkalinity of swimming pool water (softens hard water)

What is the element that is used in swimming pool?

Chlorine is added to swimming pool water to disinfect it.

What should you do if your saltwater pool is cloudy even though the display shows you have the correct levels and will algaecide work even though it is relatively free of algae?

Cloudy water really does not care what kind of sanitizer you use be it a salt system or tablet or whatever. The cloudy water is either a water chemistry problem or a filtration problem. Filtration and chemistry have to work together in order to clear the pool if one is not working properly then the pool will not clear. First take your pool water to a swimming pool store for a complete analysis including phosphates. Then balance and treat the water as they indicate. If that does not clear the pool inspect the filter system. If you have a DE filter you want to check the grids or fingers for holes and make sure all "O" rings in the filter are in good condition. If the filter has a multiport valve make sure it is in good order. If it is a sand filter and the sand is older than 5 years replace the sand in the filter. Also make sure the multiport valve is in good order and all the gaskets are in good condition. If this does not clear the pool have the TDS (total dissolved solids) checked. High TDS can cause cloudy water. You can also try flocking the pool but use this as a last resort.

How deep is the swimming pool in the Beijing Water Cube?

The swimming pool in Beijing Water cube is 13 metres deep

How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?

How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?

Why does pool water become cloudy after being vacuumed?
