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A Fastskin is a suit made by Speedo, with material that absorbs a lot less water, (if any), and is designed to make the swimmer have less resistance, thus making them go faster.

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Q: What is fast-skin made from?
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Related questions

Who invented the fastskin?

Fiona Fairhurst helped Speedo create the Fastskin series.

Where can you get scaly swim fabric?

Fastskin fabric can be found online.

Who invented fastskin lzr racer?

Speedo invented the LZR Racer

Where could someone go to purchase a Fastskin bathing suit?

Fastskin suits are made by the Speedo company. One could purchase them at any shop selling Speedo brand products. Macy's is one such shop. Online, a site called SwimOutlet was seen selling these products as well. Finally, one may be able to order directly from the Speedo company itself.

Why is speedo fastskin used in swimwear?

because it has high technology swimwear fabrics which makes you swim faster.

What is a good fastskin for the breaststroke I am mainly a breaststroker and I just bought a FSII. Is that a good suit or not for breaststroke?

Okay, when you're a breaststroker, always buy a knee-suit FastSkin. A knee-suit stream lines the water in a way that you want for breaststroke. It also gives you more freedom in moving your knees for breaststroke. A full body suit is sometimes not suitable because it might be uncomfortable to move your legs in the frog-like motion that is the breaststroke kick. There are specific types of FastSkin for different strokes. Full-body is for backstroke and butterfly (for butterfly it might be better if you get a legsuit with just the torso instead of the arms also), knee-suits for breaststroke, and for freestyle, any type of FastSkin works.

How long should it take to put on a fastskin for swimming?

at least 5 minutes. if not more. they should be VERY tight!!!

Are the fastskin 1 brief suits banned for men in 2010?

Yes they are! they are only aloud them up to there knees NOT to there ankles.I'm a different person from this guy ^, but he/she is right they are now generally banned but to be honest, if its club championships or a minor competition, you can get away with wearing fastskin leg lengths, but I'm not sure about sharksuits etc, they might be more strict!

Is fastskin 2 approved by fina?

On May 21, 2009, FINA published a list of 202 officially approved swimsuits for FINA sanctioned competition. Fastskin 2 was NOT on the list and so was not allowed. Effective June 1, 2009 USA Swimming amended its swimsuit rules to allow only the FINA approved suits in USA Swimming sanctioned competition, but with exceptions for what were called "Traditional Suits". For boys, these were defined as not extending above the navel or below the knees, and for girls, as not extending below the pelvis or past the shoulders, and not covering the neck. Since the Fastskin II suits generally don't meet the requirements of these exceptions, and since they weren't on the FINA list, on June 1, 2009 they becamse illegal at just about any swim meet in America. HOWEVER . . . along with the original list of approved suits came a promise that an updated list of suits that were still being considered would be released in June. On June 22, 2009, FINA kept that promise, releasing the updated list, which DOES include the FastSkin II suits! SO, the ANSWER is . . . YES, FASTSKIN 2 SUITS ARE APPROVED BY FINA. Hallelujah!

Why no V shaped ridges on Speedo Fastskin PRO?

becasue if you have felt the fs-pro. it feels like the old paper suits. it is a very different material and does not require the v's.

Are fastskin 2 recordbreaker full and knee skins ban for women for 2010?

yes, they are. men in 2010 cant wear full or past the knee suits and women cant wear any suits past the knee.

What are bikinis made of? That link may be able to help you out. Usually, it depends on where you get the bikini. For example, I buy mine from and they're made from Italian Lycra, a delicate fabric.