If your just beginning, neither. Get a cheaper board that you can learn on, and figure out whether or not you really want to get into longboarding. Once you know that, research the aspects of different boards and what kind of riding you'll be doing and use that as a guide to buy a board.
The best known, most popular carving longboards are Loaded brand boards and Original brand boards. Specifically the Original Apex 37 or the Loaded Tan Tien or Loaded Dervish.
the cell in the tan tien
There are many good long boards, but it is all personal preference so there really is no, "best longboard." The best board for carving would be a Loaded Dervish or Loaded Tan Tien or some original board probably and apex 37. For downhill, its Evo or a Rayne board. Don't buy a Drifter!
what sentence can you make with dervish
Dervish Hima died in 1928.
Dervish state was created in 1896.
Dervish Cara was born in 18##.
Dervish Hima was born in 1872.
Dervish state ended in 1920.
Dervish Cara died in 18##.
Memoirs of a Dervish has 288 pages.
The Dervish House has 410 pages.