

What is backstroke swim?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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15y ago

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Bckstroke is a swimming move. To get started, just practice lying on your back and flutter kicking, trying to keep your legs straight and get power from moving your legs at the hips. To add your arms, start with them at your sides, swing one arm over head, entering the water palm out with your pinky entering the water first. Pull through the water just below the surface back to your hip. Start your next arm when the first is almost back at your hip. go to YouTube and search BACKSTROKE SWIMMING then watch how they swim...i know it will help :-)

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Yes! That's right! To swim is an act of Swimming. 4 strokes, Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststoke and Butterfly. --

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The order for any IM is butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle.

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Backstroke flags,typically displaying a schools emblem or mascot, are hung over a swimming pool during a swim meet in support of the "home" team. They are called backstroke flags because when the swimmmers are performing the backstroke the flags are visible and can possibly intimidatge the opposing team.

What can you do in swimming?

You can swim four strokes (the most common, at least): butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle.

If a swimmer elects to swim backstroke in a freestyle event what kind of starting method should be used?

Any, they cannot officially achieve a backstroke time as the judges are not judging them on backstroke rules. If they want to do backstroke to find out what time they can achieve, they should do a backstroke start. In freestyle you can do what ever you want apart from touch the bottom of the pool or pull on the lane rope, so you can start however you want.

What is a sport start with b and you have to go back to win?

Backstroke swimming is a sport in which you must swim backwards to win.