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The HUDDLE position is used as a heat conservation method in cold water. A small group circles and stays close, by doing so, the water inside the circle is much warmer from the given off body heat, allowing people of the circle to avoid hypothermia longer.

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Q: What is a HUDDLE in swimming?
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How do you HUDDLE in swimming?

no, i have swam for a long time and never huddled up. you give encouraging words to the team and talk to the coach. Not to say that yo cant huddle but you normally don't do.

Do whales huddle?

A group of whales can be called a huddle.

Why do monkeys huddle?

animals huddle together to keep warm in some situations

When was Franklin Huddle born?

Franklin Huddle was born in 1943.

When was Huddle - software - created?

Huddle - software - was created in 2006.

When was David Huddle born?

David Huddle was born in 1942.

When was Jack Huddle born?

Jack Huddle was born in 1928.

When did Jack Huddle die?

Jack Huddle died in 1973.

When was Huddle House created?

Huddle House was created in 1964.

What is a sentence with the word huddle?

Penguins huddle together to keep warm.Somewhere in the group huddle, Tiny Tim yelled "I can't breathe!"

What is the duration of Football Huddle?

The duration of Football Huddle is 1800.0 seconds.

How would you use huddle in a sentence?

Huddle around to stay warm.