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Q: What if the canopy of a parachute you not expanding fully as it fall?
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Will having a larger canopy make the parachute fall faster or slower?

How smaller, how faster the downglide

Why does a parachute keep you in the air?

A parachute increases air resistance, slowing down your fall and reducing your speed. This allows you to descend more slowly and safely to the ground.

How does air speed affects rate of decent of round canopy parachutes?

Increasing air speed will increase the rate of descent of round canopy parachutes due to a higher amount of air resistance acting against the parachute. This increased resistance creates more drag force on the parachute, causing it to fall faster.

What happens immediately after skydiver opens her parachute?

When her parachute opens, the air resistance increases. Now there is a resultant force going upwards on the parachute. The increase in air resistance occurs because when the parachute is opened there is a much larger surface area (than before) so the particles of air are much more likely to get 'caught up' in the parachute unable to pass easily, therefore creating more air resistance (an upwards force) and so slowing down the parachutist. NOTE: The parachutist does NOT move upwards after the parachute has opened, they just slow down. This effect comes from when a parachutist with a camera is filming opposite, they are still falling rapidly while the other person's parachute has opened, therefore passing them as they continue to freefall, and so the parachutist opposite appears to move upwards after opening the parachute.

What is the best way to make a parachute?

We did a parachute experiment at school, and we investigated 2 variables. They were the canopy size and the material of the canopy. We found that the bigger the canopy, the slower the parachute will go. Also, the lighter the material, the slower it will go. Well if you use house hold materials you could use a grocery bag , string , and a paper cup to put things in and you'll also have to use a knife to put holes on please have an adult with you. warning- don't put any thing over 3 pounds in the paper cup. OR. Heat rises so if you put a candle at the bottom the parachute could stay in one place or actually RISE!

Who would fall faster a man with a small parachute or a man with a large parachute?

The man with a small parachute will fall faster.

What happens if a parachute canopy is too big?

If a parachute canopy is too big, it may lead to a slower descent rate, which could increase the risk of drifting off course due to wind. It may also reduce the precision and control during landing, potentially leading to a harder impact.

How does parachutes help to increase air resistance?

Parachutes increase air resistance by capturing a large amount of air in the parachute canopy. This creates drag, which slows down the fall of the object attached to the parachute, allowing for a safer descent. The drag force helps to counteract the force of gravity pulling the object downward.

How can you use the word canopy in a sentence?

We fled under the canopy as the rain started to fall.

Will changing the weight of a parachute effect on the speed?

Changing the weight of a parachute will affect its descent speed. A heavier parachute will fall faster while a lighter parachute will fall more slowly. This is because the weight influences the drag force acting on the parachute during descent.

When it is windy do parachutes fall faster?

Yes, when it is windy, parachutes can fall faster due to the increased wind resistance and turbulence affecting the canopy. This can cause the parachute to be more difficult to control and potentially result in a faster descent. Pilots must adjust their techniques to account for the windy conditions.

Who would fall faster at a short distance small parachute or large?

At a short distance, a small parachute would fall faster than a large parachute. This is because a smaller parachute has less surface area to slow down the descent, causing it to fall more quickly.