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The water becomes aggressive and can etch the plaster and metal parts of the pool and equipment.

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Q: What happens when the alkilinity is too low in a swimming pool?
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What happens when the alkalinity is too low in a swimming pool?

The water becomes aggressive and attacks anything with which it comes in contact. Not a good environment for the pool finish or the equipment.

If you have a low pH in your swimming pool what chemical would you add?


Can you swim in a pool if the chlorine is low?

Swimming in a pool with low chlorine levels can increase the risk of bacteria and algae growth, which can lead to potential health issues. It is recommended to maintain proper chlorine levels in the pool to ensure a safe and clean swimming environment.

Why will a cork float in a swimming pool?

A cork has a low density. It is lower then water. That causes it to float.

Will swimming pool water be cloudy if the stablelizer is low?

Not likely, make sure all chemicals are balanced. If still cloudy, use a clarifier sold at pool stores.

What would make atuomatic swimming pool cleaner move slow and stop?

Low suction from your pump, damaged hose,

How low should you drain a inground swimming pool for not in use for children safety?

A drained swimming pool will be more dangerous to anyone who could fall into the pit. The pool will need fencing around it that is sturdy and anti-tamper proof. What are your plans for rain water when it fills during a storm? What are your plans for when you have a lot of rain and the water table surrounding the pool rises enough to make the pool float out of the ground????

If you have a good alkalinity with mains water what would lower it in a swimming pool with out the addition of chemicals.?

Add rain water this has very low alkalinity

Why you have to test calcium in a swimming pool?

Testing calcium levels in a swimming pool is important to prevent issues such as scale formation or corrosion. Proper calcium levels help maintain water balance and protect pool equipment, ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming environment.

How much is reasonable to pay for a fiberglass or vinyl pool in upstate New York from excavation to swimming?

low to mid 20's should get you swimming w/a 4ft. deck around the pool and the site graded.All is dependant on how big and the site and the xtras(auto cleaners etc.) The figure should be good for an 18x36ft. pool 3x5ft. deep on a reasonably flat lot.

we have a quick set 16x42 pool, my chlorine remains low?

You can buy a testing kit and test your water to see if there are any abnormal bacteria in your water that would be keeping the chlorine levels low. Otherwise, just add chlorine daily to keep your pool safe for swimming.

Does swimming pool water attack concrete?

If the water's chemistry is not correctly balanced, it can. For example, if your pH is too low, the water can etch cement you'd materials.