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It is extremely dangerous. If you hit your head on the bottom of the pool/sea bed, you can become a quadriplegic/paraplegic or possibly even die.

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Q: What happens if you dive in shallow water?
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Why you should not dive in the shallow water?

You should not dive in shallow water because we know that it's dangerous but, you'll hit your head.

What happens to the frequency and wave lengths as waves enter shallow water?

describes the effect of water waves passing into shallow water?

What happens when waves go from deep water to shallow water?

When a wave goes from deep water to shallow water, it decreases in size and strength. This is because shallow water does not have the required power to transmit the wave, and so its velocity decreases.

What happens as a tsunami approaches shallow water near a harbour?

when a tsunami enters shallow water there is imediate danger that a tsunami is about to strike...!!(: ENJOY.

What happens to the equilibrium of the water when you dive into a calm swimming pool?

It moves away from the human anatomy while u dive into the pool. This also decreases the viscosity in the water

How deep can a porpoise dive?

The porpoise can dive to depths of 200 meters. However, they tend to stay in shallow coastal regions to hunt.

Where can you dive 30 feet deep?

Most often, 30 foot dives will take place in open water. There are some dive training centers with dive pools that may be deep enough. If you are planning to free dive (hold your breath at surface, dive, and return), you can go out into open water and try some free diving, shallow at first. Do not do this without a swim/dive buddy. If you want to dive SCUBA, you'll need to get certified first to avoid killing yourself. When ascending after breathing air under pressure, you'll need to do it properly. Free dive or SCUBA dive, I would never recommend diving without a swim/dive buddy with you.

Do Bottlenose dolphins swim in deep or shallow waters?

Bottle nose dolphins can swim in shallow water because they can inhale the air humans inhale to. The dolphins can all so dive to under 1000fl to the bottom of the sea

What happens to the frequency of a wave in shallow water?

In shallow water, the frequency of a wave remains the same. However, the speed of the wave decreases, causing the wavelength to shorten. This can lead to wave breaking as the wave becomes steeper.

In a deep dive a whale is appreciably compressed by the pressure of the surrounding water What happens to the whales density?

Its density increases.

What happens to the direction of water wave when it passes from deep to shallow water?

The direction of a water wave typically changes when it passes from deep to shallow water. In shallow water, the wave tends to bend and align itself more with the underwater contours due to the decrease in wave speed and change in wave refraction. This can result in the wave crest aligning more parallel to the shoreline.

What is snorkel?

A snorkel is a breathing device that is used to dive in shallow areas of water. It has a goggle with a breathing tube attached so when a person goes underwater they can breath, but the tube has to stay above the water unlike skin diving.